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Created 2-Mar-07
Modified 21-Oct-09
Visitors 98
21 photos
George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary is a protected area in Delta, British Columbia, Canada and is part the the Fraser River estuary. The area includes managed wetlands, marshes and dikes. The 300-hectare (740-acre) area has numerous walking trails, bird blinds, lookouts and a gift shop. It has resident nesting sites for Sandhill Cranes, Bald Eagles, Mallards, Spotted Towhees and many others. Migrants include, Lesser Snow Geese, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Long-billed Dowitchers, and Western Sandpipers. Over 268 species have so far been recorded in the Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is open year round from 9 am to 4 pm local time.

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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Delta, birds, sanctuary

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Sand Hill Crane

Red-winged blackbird

Red-winged blackbird